My sweet, baby boy...
At this time, 1 year ago, I was beginning to have what I would later find out were labor pains. In about 3 hours was when your daddy rushed me to the hospital, and a little over 6 hours after that, you entered our world and stole our hearts. You were a month early, and I guess you were just in such a hurry to see the world. I will forever remember the first time I looked into your eyes. When the other memories start to become hazy, that one still stands out vividly.
And tomorrow, you would've been a year old...I wonder if you would've been walking or talking yet. I wonder what would've made you smile...what would've made you cry. I wonder what you'd look like...if you would still have your daddy's eyes & forehead...or my lips. Regardless of what you look like, I know you'd still be beautiful. That's how you came into this world, and that's how you left it.
Even though you're no longer physically here with us, I hope your birthday tomorrow is wonderful. I wish you could still be here with us to celebrate, and I will probably forever wonder why you couldn't be. We love you, sweet Wilco, and we will always, ALWAYS miss you.
Happy Birthday, sweet boy!!
Love Always,
Mommy (and Daddy)